7 March 1995 ******** ******** ******** ** ********** ********** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** International__Genealogy__Association -= Serving Genealogy Bulletin Boards and Users =- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose. The purpose of the International Genealogy Association (IGA) is to establish and operate a medium (the IGA Network, IGA_Net) by which genealogists, and persons researching genealogy, may communicate with one another. This includes, but is not limited to, exchanging genealogical information via electronic messages with other researchers; furnishing genealogy related files and software; and providing services related to enabling researchers to contact other researchers who share a common interest. The referenced services provided include: a File Distribution System (IGA-FDS), the Who's Got What (WGW) data base system, the Tafel Matching System (TMS), and others, as added. 2. Organization. IGA_Net operates as Zone 440. IGA is currently comprised of five elements: 1. The International Genealogy Association, North America (IGA-NA) [Region 1]. IGA-NA originated in February 1993. IGA_Net(tm) is a TRADEMARK of IGA_Net North America, Fredericksburg, VA, and 2. The International Genealogy Association, Europe (IGA-EUR) [Region 2], and 3. The International Genealogy Association, Australia (IGA-AUS) [Region 3], and 4. The International Genealogy Association, South America (IGA-SA) [Region 4], and 5. The International Genealogy Association, Russia (IGA-RUS) [Region 5] The IGA_Net is an independent *genealogy-only* network. Traffic of non-genealogy-related subjects is not permitted. Traffic generated within the IGA_Net will remain within the network and, without specific approval of the Zone Coordinator of IGA_Net (440:1/1), will not be gated to any other network (e.g., FidoNet, OurNet, FamilyNet, etc.). 3. Functions. A. IGA Specific Functions. IGA is the overall umbrella of IGA-NA, IGA-EUR, IGA-AUS, IGA-SA and IGA-RUS. The administrator of IGA is the Zone Coordinator (ZC) of zone 440: (440:1/1). The ZC will maintain membership applications of all members of IGA--to include members of IGA-NA, IGA_EUR, IGA_AUS, IGA-SA, and IGA-RUS. Traffic between IGA-NA, IGA-EUR, IGA-AUS, IGA-SA, and IGA-RUS is funneled through the ZC (Traffic does not flow directly between *any* of the other regions). B. Zone Coordinator Specific Functions. The Zone Coordinator of IGA_Net controls and maintains the entire IGA_Net network. The IGA_Net is currently configured as depicted in the IGALIST. The IGALIST is distributed weekly to all members of IGA_Net. Node assignments in IGA_Net are not geographic- specific, i.e., any host may service feeds *anywhere* within their region, i.e., hosts in North America may service nodes anywhere in North America, hosts in Europe may service nodes anywhere in Europe, etc.). C. Region Coordinators' Specific Functions. Region Coordinators are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the IGA_Net Zone Coordinator. The Region Coordinators of each region operate autonomously, while observing all guidelines published for IGA (IGA_Net) and/or implemented by the Zone Coordinator. Should assistance be needed or help be required with some perceived problem, each RC has the services of the Overseas Ombudsmen (OO) at his/her disposal. Each OO is charged with the duty of assisting the overseas RC's in any way possible. Should disputes arise, the final judgment and decision(s) rests with the Zone Coordinator. 4. Membership. There are two types of membership in the IGA: Bulletin Boards (SYSOPs) and private individuals. Private individuals input and receive traffic from the system, but do not furnish a service whereby other genealogists may access the traffic. Bulletin Boards, on the other hand, provide a service (bulletin board) which enables other genealogists to access the IGA Network traffic. All persons who are members of IGA_Net are members of The International Genealogy Association (IGA). All members sign a pledge that they will not transfer traffic from the IGA Network to any other Network. Bulletin Board members also pledge to keep their systems operating 24 hours per day (except during ZMH and normal maintenance). Persons (to include bulletin boards) who desire to become members of the IGA must first complete a membership application. The Zone Coordinator of IGA_Net has the final responsibility for approving membership for all applicants. 5. Conferences. Conferences, and the moderators thereof, are listed in a file named IGA-ECHO.TXT. This file is FREQ'able from any bulletin board which is a member of IGA_Net. 6. Files and Software. Software from IGA-FDS (Genealogical File Distribution System) and other sources are listed in the file named VAULT.Z##. This file is FREQ'able from any bulletin board which is a member of IGA_Net under the magic name: VAULT.